The original Game & Watch consoles were one of Nintendo’s first globally successful products, and over the last few years have seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to two successful re-releases. In 2020 Nintendo came out with the Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros, and in 2021 we got the Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda. A Super Mario Bros Game & Watch is more expensive at the moment, but The Legend of Zelda edition is regularly discounted. Right now you can grab a Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda for just £30 from John Lewis. Buy Now For that price, you get a small but very stylish hand held that comes with The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link,The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, a special version of Game & Watch classic Vermin starring Link as a playable character, and of course the digital clock and timer that are now interactive. Yes, in true Game & Watch fashion, you can interact with both the digital clock and timer. When you have the clock on you can see Link explore Hyrule and defeat enemies while in the timer Link recreates battle scenes from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. The Game & Watch is a great little device to take with you so you can have something classic to play wherever you go, and it’s an essential part of a retro-game collection. If you want to find more deals like this one, follow Jelly Deals on Twitter where we keep you posted on the latest discounts and deals, bundles and console drops, and more.