Netflix’s animated take on Konami’s classic video game series first aired back in 2017, with its initial four-episode run introducing disgraced monster hunter Trevor Belmont and a grief-stricken Dracula, hell-bent on revenge after his wife’s murder by the church. Castlevania has featured the likes of Richard Armitage as Trevor Belmont, Graham McTavish as Dracula, James Callis as Alucard, and Alejandra Reynoso as Sypha Belnades during its run, and the series’ scope has continued to expand under the watch of showrunner Warren Ellis. According to Deadline, however, Ellis has had no involvement in the development of Season 4, beyond his initial scripts, after allegations of sexual misconduct were levied against him last summer - allegations which he’s firmly denied. Deadline also reports that while Castlevania’s upcoming season will bring the current series (and hopefully its story) to a close, Netflix is working on a new series - seemingly without Ellis’ input - set in the same universe, one with an entirely new cast of characters. Netflix’s official NX Twitter account shared a link to Deadline’s story lending credence to the report of a same-universe spin-off, but it’s unlikely we’ll hear more until the current incarnation of Castlevania wraps up on 13th May.