If you don’t live within Farfetch’d’s dedicated region, then this is the perfect time to add this rare Pokémon to your collection by exploiting its weaknesses in a raid. Farfetch’d is a three-star raid Pokémon, so it’s a good idea to team up with other players to ensure you can defeat this Pokémon. Remember - you can use Remote Raid Passes to battle Farfetch’d from your own home! Alongside Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mewtwo, Farfetch’d made an appearance during the Kanto Tour event in February 2021, and had to be caught to complete the corresponding Raid Collection Challenge. On this page: It has, however, since its debut in 2016 appeared in various events so other players have had access in their own region. One such opportunity is during the Tour Kanto event in February 2021, which tasks players with catching all 150 Pokémon within the span of eight days. During this event Farfetch’d - alongside fellow Kanto exclusives Mr Mime, Tauros and Kangaskhan - appeared in Raids on the main event day on Saturday, February 20th. Farfetch’d is currently appearing in raids in Japan and South Korea until Monday, 1st March at 8am (local time). This means if you’re lucky enough to have a friend who lives in one of these regions and a Remote Raid pass, then they can invite you to a Farfetch’d raid.
Farfetch’d type - Normal and flying-type Farfetch’d is weak against - Electric, fighting, ice and rock-type Farfetch’d counters - Machamp, Zapdos, Tyranitar, Raikou, Glaceon, Lucario, Weavile, Conkeldurr and Rampardos Other Farfetch’d notes - Since Farfetch’d is a dual-type Pokémon, make sure you fill your team with a mixture of its weaknesses to ensure you can quickly defeat it.
Raid Boss CP - 9509 CP CP range when being caught - 657 to 706 CP
The Season of Mythical Wishes continues with the Winter Holiday event, which has brought Mega Glalie to Pokémon Go. Don’t forget to partake in the new Go Battle League season.
Elsewhere, be sure to use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres.
Fast Moves:
Air Slash (Flying) Fury Cutter (Bug)
Charged Moves:
Aerial Ace (Flying) Air Cutter (Flying) Leaf Blade (Grass)
Good luck defeating Farfetch’d in Pokémon Go!